PONOROGO suko-suko (2)
Today I feel so energizing because of the meeting last night. My friends from my faculty in Paramadina University invite me to join to the forum discussion. It is English forum discussion. We discuss everything in english and we learn to write in english also. We contribute to website called ourindonesia.com please kindly visit the website. To be gather with people who full of ambitions to knowledge is such an energy to continue live. I believe that life is not only to be lived but it should be celebrated. Supporting environment in learning english it can be one of the celebration. While I wake up from sleep, I have highly spirit to go to office to write this. It is what I am doing today.
First off I will write about my city Ponorogo which I have posted it in my last writing. You can read it in this link Ponorogo suko-suko. In the part one I've written about Ponorogo's culture, history, tourism place to visit but I haven't write about culinary you have visit in Ponorogo. One thing I miss the most from Ponorogo is pecel. Pecel is like a salad with peanut sauce. Very famous Pecel is come from Madiun, but Pecel Ponorogo the taste also very delicious. There are many places selling Sego pecel, but there is one place called Pecel Pojok which become the legend of Pecel in Ponorogo. Pecel Pojok Ponorogo placed in Soekarno-Hatta's street. Many Tv's station already took a shoot in this stall as culinary destination you have to visit. This shop selling Sego Pecel with many kind of side dishes. The price is very cheap. You can eat until satisfied but spending no more than twenty thousands rupiah.
Second place is Sate Ayam Pak Tukri (H. Tukri Sobikun). Sate is the small pieces of meat (chicken or lamb) roasted on skewer. Sate Ayam Pak Tukri is also famous culinary station you should visit. It placed in Nologaten village. Our President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Uya Kuya, Ahmad Dani and many actors/actress from Jakarta already visited this place. Mbah Sobikun started this business from Dutch colonial era. While Dutch take over Indonesia, mbah Sobikun drive this business using a cart. Time by time this business growing fast. He can sell 5-10 chicken in a day. He moved to sell sate in the house. He used his small garage. Once time ago mbah Sobikun also invited by President Soekarno to come to Jakarta to cook sate for some agenda. Another story told that one of Soekarno's wife is come from Ponorogo. Her name is Hartini. Mrs. Hartini is one of the loyal customer sate ayam mbah Sobikun. Mbah Sobikun and his team carried from Lanud Iswahyudi Airport in Madiun using Hercules plane. This is the biggest mbah Sobikun's experience in his live, and that's only because of sate.
The third one is durian fruit which you can find it in Ngebel. Ngebel is one of tour destination in Ponorogo. It is a lake. The natural lake under Willis mountain. You can find durian everywhere but durian Ngebel is the good one. Many investors come to Ponorogo not only looking for durian fruit or make a tour but also they look for the durian's tree. Investor believe that durian's tree from Ngebel is the good seed.
There are many traditional food that I don't explain above. Like jenang mirah, es dawet Jabung, rengginang, rempeyek, sego tahu, tempe keripik, jerangking and many more. Actually Ponorogo has many snacks home industry. You should come to Ponorogo and find another one. Ponorogo is city I always miss a lot. Please come and visit.